Finding YOUR Voice


Watch this 2:33min Announcement.


In many ways art is an exploration of one’s self.

  1. Why would you want to paint like Van Gogh?

    1. His painting are his reactions to his world and life.

      1. You are not him so?

      2. That goes for anyone else’s style or styles.

      3. Using someone else’s style instead your own is not authentic.

      4. At some point artists take the time to learn how to create styles that are their own and are therefore authenticated and more satisfying. . But how can one do that?

You would think that there would be a video on YouTube for that.

YouTube has over 235 million art lesson videos BUT NOT ONE TO HELP YOU FIGURE OUT HOW TO HELP YOU CREATE YOUR OWN STYLES.

Is it important? Yes. Until you take the time to figure out you own Visual Preferences and use them for a Style that is true to you, then Galleries consider you are still a student, trying everything but not working through your own style(s)

  1. Is it good if your paintings are immediately identifiable as yours? Of course?
  2. Does that work if you just copy someone else’s style? PICASSO ‘STEAL GOOD IDEAS BUT MAKE THEM YOUR OWN AND MAKE THEM BETTER’.  But  how do you  make them your own? 
  3.  Picture yourself at your solo exhibition is  the Art Gallery of your choice. Every one of your paintings have a different style. There is no constant ‘voice’ as they say.  Furthermore the  better galleries won’t want your artwork if it is not genuinely yours. It tells them that you have not yet matured as an artist.

Well you know that dream doesn’t work – YET.

Now picture yourself in the same situation but all your paintings look like they belong in that show… that they are all obviously painting by one artist – YOU! A professional!

MY PROMISE TO YOU:  Unlock YOUR Style(s) is a unique very easy workshop series of 12 short videos. I PROMISE  you will discover YOUR Visual Preferences so you will be able to create your own GENUINE, POWERFUL style(s).

For the first 100 who complete the course and contact me I will give you a $300 FREE BONUS : a FREE, One-ON-ONE  ZOOM call to discuss:-

  1. any questions about the workshop
  2. your one, two or even 3 top preferences to create your genuine style  and
  3. your next steps to enrich your style

I am offering this $480 course plus the $300 personal style critique for $300 +tx as my launch price.